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The origin of ZALLA (ALBANIA)

The Illyrians in the South could keep their identity even under the Roman Empire and its strong civilisation pressure. Part of the population, which lived in the high inland country and was organised in its majority in some kind of cattle-breeding or village communities, preserved for a long time its tribal characteristics, being only nominally subject to the Roman rule. To obtain their subordination, Rome passed special laws. The legal status of these tribes was one of free people, but in the social hierarchy they held a place between the Romans enjoying civil rights, and the multitude of slaves, who had no rights at all.

Ptolemy of Alexandria, the famous Greek astronomer and geographer (2nd c. A.D.), lists the names of the free Illyrian tribes and mentions among them the tribe of the "Albanoi" (Arbërs according to some other sources), who lived in the mountainous area between Durrës and Debar (Alb. Dibra), referring to their town as Albanopolis. There are philological theories assuming that the name of "Albanoi", or "Arbanitai", means "people dressed in white", from the Latin albus. On a hill side near the village of Zgerdhesh (Kruje) are the ruins of the ancient city of “Albanopolis”, the capital of the Illyrian tribe “Alban” which flourished from the end of the 3rd century A.D. Its name is mentioned for the first time by Ptolemy in the 2nd century A.D. It is from the “Alban” Illyrian tribe that the country started to be called “Albania” and the people “Albanians”. Ptolemy mentions, for the first time, the Albanoi among Illyrian tribes and their capital Albanópolis (near Croya). In the 7th century the invasion of Albania by the Slavs put an end to the romanisation of the Albanians who retired to the mountains in north Albania to live a pastoral life for half a millennium.

Albanoi first occurs in extant written sources in a work of Ptolemy dating back to 150 AD. "Albanopolis of the Albanoi" appears on a map of Ptolemy, a place located in what is now North central Albania. The Albanoi are also named on a Roman-era family epitaph at Scupi, which has been identified with the Zgërdhesh hill-fort near Kruja in northern Albania. In the 12th to 13th centuries, Byzantine  writers use the words Arbanon (Greek: Άρβανον) for a principality in the region of Kruja.

Croia (pronounced Kruya, Albanian, "water spring") stands on the site of Eribcna, a town mentioned by Ptolemy (III, xiii, 13, 41). Georgius Acropolites (lxix) mentions it as a fortress in 1251. A decree of the Venetian senate gave it in 1343 to Marco Barbarigo and his wife. In 1395 it was held by the Castriots (Mas-Latrie, Tresor de chronologie, 1773), and it was the birthplace of the Lion of Albania, the national hero, George Castriota or Scanderbeg (d. January 17, 1468).
  • HOPF, Chroniques gréco-romanes; DEGRAND, Souvenirs de la Haute-Albanie (Paris, 1901), 215-227.

Krujë (Albanian: Krujë or Kruja, Turkish: Akçahisar) is the capital city of the District of Krujë in Albania. It is located at 41°52′N 19°48′E / 41.867°N 19.8°E / 41.867; 19.8 and has a population of about 40,000.

The city's name comes from the Albanian word for water source. Krujë is a tourist attraction alongside a panoramic mountainside location. Some of the main points of interest include the restored castle and citadel, the Skanderbeg Museum located inside the castle, and the old restored bazaar. The citadel includes a restored house from the Ottoman epoch that serves as the Ethnographic Museum.

Krujë is best known as the hometown of Albania's national hero, Skanderbeg, from where the Ottomans were successfully resisted for nearly 35 years from 1443 until 1478.

The castle of Krujë was successfully defended in four sieges conducted by Ottoman forces before final capitulation shortly after the death of Gjergj Kastrioti (Skanderbeg).

Zalla village, Krujë District, Durrës Countyës/_3183655_Zallaj.html#local_map
Fushë Kruja around the year 1930 there were only 3-4 houses and was known as Black River, which passes nearby. Within a few decades it became the center of the largest urban transit towards the north of the country. City of Fushë Kruja has an area of 123 ha. In the urban center of Fushë Kruja, with area of 75 ha, are around 13 thousand inhabitants, and as others live in villages Armeras, Larushk, Hasan, Halil, Zall of Luz.

My father ’s birthplace Zalla village, near Kruja (Zale, Croarum -in Latin), mentioned for the first time in privileges decree by King Alfonso V confirming privileges of  Kruja granted by King Stefan Dusan (1308-1355) and Emperor Andronik II, citing the ancient decrees of Emperors Manuel Komnenos, John Doukas Vatatzes, Theodor Laskaris II and Mhill Paleologos.

King Alfonso V of Aragon and Napels (1416-1458) gave the city of Kruja in 19 April 1457, with more significant proof of the old Serbian privileges for this country in the mountains of northern Albania.  
Nos Alfonsus etc. consuevimus pro nostro more nedum iis, qui sua sponte libentique animo nostro sub imperio se posuere, sed et iis etiam, quos arduis horrendisque bellis domitos nostra virtute subiugavimus et antiquas gratias ac privilegia confirmare et nostris etiam nobis (novis?) eos donare. Et quoniam ad nostram maiestatem a clero, comunitate et hominibus oppidi Croarum oratores advenere nos piis vocibus miserandoque humilitatis deprecantes, ut eis, quum nostri subditi sint et nostro imperio, ut ante dictum est, non inviti, sed libentes ferventique animo dediti, privilegia quedam libertates ab antiquis imperatoribus eisdem sucesive refirmatis eisdem confirmare et de novo concedere dignaremur. Quorum quidem tenores privilegiorum e greco in latinum conversi tales habentur.
Quoniam reverendus episcopus Croensis et venerabilis clerus eiusdem sancte ecclesie et nobiles oppidi eiusdem Croarum retulerunt ad nos de Omnibus juribus et privilegiis predicti oppidi tarn intra quam extra habitis, videlicet de vineis, terris. possesionibus, olivetis, piscinis, hibernis, ceteris Omnibus juribus, que ad hoc usque tempus habent ac possident, atque in primis de hiberno vocato Selmazo cum eius vinario, de hiberno Contelo, de hiberno Bezo, de hiberno Castrato, de hiberno Pallaso, de hiberno Santa Euphomia cum eius terris, de hiberno Zale cum eius terris et fönte, de hiberno Phentopleto cum eius terris, de hiberno Bellice cum eius terris, de hiberno Santo Blasio cum eius terris, de hiberno Hereno cum eius terris, de hiberno Metro cum eius terris, de hiberno Hostrati cum eius terris, de hiberno Colli cum eius terris, de hiberno Pherza cum eius terris, de hiberno Beroa cum eius terris, de hiberno Montemagno Cromi cum eius terris usque ad propinqunm Nobalum et Cudinum, de hiberno Calamascuti cum eius terris et vineis et olivetis, de hiberno Cercoleso cum eius terris acque arboribus fructil'eris et non fructiferis, que omnia jura possident ab antiquo et maiorum suorum patrimonio habent et privilegiis mandatisque felicis memorie imperatoris Manuelis Magni Comini et superiorum atque etiam felicis memorie Lascarii, avi nostri et patris nostri et nostris ; hac de causa robore et facultate presentis huius privilegii nostri concedimus et largimur omnibus predicti oppidi Croarum tarn suporioribus, quam inferioribus, ut hec omnia possidiant libere et sine ulla molestia et perturbatione fruantur iis per omnia tempora, quemadmodum in suis piivilegiis ac reliquis juribus continetur. Et non prcfeeto, non capitano. non castellano penitus liceat exigere ab iis aliquid vel pene vel angarie vel colecluri vel vectigalis, hoc est gabelle, vel alicuius solutionis, sed omnino liberos et inmunes apud omnes serventur et habeantur. Preterea volumus, ut nullam ipsam gabellam exsolvere debeant, ubicumque reperiantur, sive Durachii sive alibi, sed sint omnino liberi et inmunes, quemadmodum in suis privilegiis continetur et presens hoc nostrum Privilegium precipit. Similiter volumus etiam, ut in portis eiusdem predicti oppidi nihil ab his ipsis hominibus exigatur, vel lignorum vel alicuius angarie, sed ea quoque in parte sint et habeantur liberi et inmunes ab omni vectigali et quavis alia solutione, sive ingredi sive egredi velint. Nee ab officialibus de facto debeant retineri, sed quecumque culpa eorum et causa sit, facto judicio et examine puniantur. Presentia igitur huius privilegii nostri nemo audeat injuriam aut molestiam aut impedimentum hiis inferre in hiis omnibus, que presens hoc nostrum Privilegium declarat et continet. Nam securitatis, inmunitatis tuteleque gratia nostrum hoc Privilegium concessum iis datumque est mense junio, indictionis XI, anro ab initio mundi septies 'sie) millesimo octingentesimo quincuagesimo primo.
Stephanus fidelis in Christo crales Bugarorum-j
Quoniam constat habitatores oppidi Croarum habere jura antiqua et snper hiis juribus privilegia felicis memorie imperatoris Joanis Ducis et Teodori Lascari eius filii acque etiam Privilegium et mandatum Serenissimi imperatoris nostri patris, ut suis bonis tarn intra quam extra predictum oppiduui: habitis vel habendis fruantur libere et sine ullo impedimento, sine ulla molestia sua possideant ombia et tractent, supplicant vero, ut super his ipsis etiam a nobis Privilegium consequantur, nos supplicationem et petitionem eorum probantes presens hoc Privilegium iis concedimus et largimur, quo privilegio jubemus, mandamus acque precipimus, ut quemadmodum in antiquis eorum juribus et in privilegiis super his juribus habitis predictorum imperatnrum Joanis Ducis et eius filii Theodori Lascari et nostii patris continetur, sie sua possideant omnia, sive intra sive extra predictum oppidum habean- I tur, verbi gratia domos, vineas, segetes, plana, hibcrna et eorum colonos sive' agricolas, item oliveta, pisccina et omne, quicquid ex antiquo in hoc usque t'-mpus possideant, hec omnia habeant rata et firma sine ulla molestia, sine ullo detrimento aut impedimento, et fruantur iis omnibus libere et tranquille, nee in hiis ipsis possideudis potiendisquc aliquid vi fiut iniuria a vicinis vel baronibus vel quibusvis aliis infestentur. Volumiis enim, ut non prefecto eius proviacie, non publico procuratori, non capitano predicti oppidi, non custodibus, non castellano loci eiusdem, non alicui penitus liceat capere quicquid ex rebus aut possesionibus eorum predictis vel aliquid iis inferre iniurie aut molestie et impedimenti, sed omnes servare debeant eos liberos et omni perturbatione, omni infestatione iiimunes circa suas predictas possesiones et possesionum colonos aut agricolas. Robore enim et facultate preseutis huius nostri privilegii servari omnino debent etiam imposterum omne tempus habitatoribus predicti oppidi Croarum inmunitas acque securitas atque omnis publice infestationis exactionisque libertas circa predictas eorum possesiones, quam ex antiquo in hoc usque tempus assequebantur, iuxta argumenta privilegiorum et mandatorum, que iis esse concessa ab imperatoribus diximus. Et quoniam idem Croite retulenmt ad nos preterea sese preter inmunitatem et libertatem, qua fruuntur ex privilegiis et mandatis, liberos acque inmunes servatos semper fuisse etiam a vectigalibus, hoc est gabellis Durachii oppidi pro mercibus, quas ipsi vel portarent ad id oppidum vel inde exportarent et pro ea ipsa in?imnitate et libertate vectigalium Privilegium quoque nostrum obtinuerunt, itemque suplicarunt, ut etiam ab ea predicta solutione vectigalium sint imposterum quoque liberi, inmunes et omni molestia, omni impedimento absoluti, nos haue etiam eorum suplicationem petitionemque probantes j überaus et precipimus homines eosdem Croitas servari baberique etiam imposterum omne tempus liberos et inmunes a solutione vectigalis, id est gabeile Durachii oppidi pro mercibus, quas ipsi vel portent in illud oppidum vel inde exportent. quemadmodum in eo, quod iis concessimus, privilegio continetur, ita ut ad nuUam solutionem vocari trahique debeant, nihil ab iis exigi aut peti pro eorum quibusvis mercibus liceat. Nam libertatum munitarum securitatis, tutele tranquillitatisque gratia presens hoc nostrum Privilegium sigillo pendenti aureo iis predictis habitatoribus oppidi Croarum concessimus largitique sumus mense octobris, indictionis II. 
Andronicus fidelis in Christo Imperator Paleologus.
His itaque attentis et nostro animo repetitis episcopo, clero et communitati et hominibus Croarum oppidi antedicti tenore presentis uostri privilegii concedimus et quam liberaliter assentimus volumusque et jubemus, quod ex nunc in antea teneant, habeant et assequantur libere et sine contradictione aliqua omnia et singula privilegia, gratias, libertates et inmunitates et exemptioues, que in preinsertis privilegiis continentur, quas et unam quamque ipsarum eisdem episcopo, clero, comunitati et hominibus dicti oppidi Croarum confirmamus et de novo utique concedimus, mandantes propterea quibuscumque in partibus Albanie nostre viceregibus, guberuatoribus, comisariis et aliis officialibus nostris, presentibus et futuris, et presertim prefecto, capitano, castellano et custodibus dicti oppidi Croarum ipsas (?; huiusmodi nostram confirmationem, novam concessionem et gratiam ac omnia et singula in preinsertis privilegiis contenta episcopo, clero, comunitati et hominibus oppidi Croarum antedicti teneant firmiter et observent tenerique et observari faciantcumulatira, et in diminutis non contrafaciant ratione aliqua sive causa. In quorum testimonium presens Privilegium exemptionis fieri jussimus nostre bulla aurea pendente ujunitum. Datum in Castello Novo civitatis nostre Neapolis die XVIIII aprilis, anno a nativitate Domini MCCCCLVII, regni huius Sicilie citra Farum anno vigesimo tertio, aliorum verum regnorum nostrorum XXXXII.
Eex Alfonsus. Yo he leido la presente e plaze me, que asi se faga.
Dominus Rex mandavit mihi Arnaldo Fonolleda. 
  • Archivio general de la Coróna de Aragon, Barcelona, R.2623, f.118-119 v
For the benefit of the community of the city of Kruja
Alphonse us etc.. have had the habit as our habit reinforced after honor and privileges with other new pardons (privileges of the honor) from our side, not only those who voluntarily underwent heart and with all our rule, but also those who elect us sealed under our fight hard and fair. To our Majesty came  parliamentarians of the clergy, community leaders and the city of Kruja, while we prayed with humble words, we confirm the privileges of freedom issued by the emperors of old was due to the other new ones that, as noted above, not by force but willingly and with all our heart are nationals under our rule. The content of these privileges, bring from Greek to Latin this bone. Given that and the venerable Bishop Kruja clergy of the same church here is generous (heads, heads) of the same town told us Kruja above all rights and privileges that the aforementioned city as inside as outside, ie . vineyards, land (work), owned, olive trees, water, winter pastures all other rights to have this time of possession, and in particular the winter pasture called Selmazo thanks vineyard, pasture winter Contelo , Bezo winter pasture, winter pasture Castrato, Pallaso winter pasture, winter pasture land Sh'Eufemjes with her, Zale winter pasture land with its source (source) ... etc.
  • Archiv für slavische Philologie, Volume 21, Weidmann, 1899

  • Acta et diplomata res Albaniae mediae aetatis illustrantia, Milan Sufflay, Vienna, 1913
  • Illyrisch-albanische Forschungen, Volume 1, Konstantin Jireček, Milan Šufflay, Theodor Anton Ippen, Ernst C. Sedlmayr, Josef Ivanic̆, Imre Karácson, Karl Thopia, Béla Péch, Duncker & Humblot, 1916
  • Grćke povelje srpskih vladara, Aleksandar Vasiljevič Solovjev, Vladimir A. Mošin, Srpska kraljevska akademija, 1936
  • Studies: Gjon Buzuku and his language, Eqrem Çabej, 1977
... held in the cadastre of Shkodra the years 1416-1417. From these sources mention these names of people and villages: Kruja (oppidum Croarum, 879 Kroa, "water spring"), Bes 1241 (besa), Blinishti 1279 ("blish forest"), ala Balta de Avallona 1335, qusta balta e il lago di Scutari (Presbyter Docleas balte),  Zale 1343 (zall) ...

  • Philosophical Studies, Volume 36, by RPSSH Academy of Sciences, Institute of  Linguistics and Literature, 1982
In 1343 a document Stephan Dushani's confirming properties of families of the city of Kruja, Zale also mentioned that identify with today's toponyms Zall (north-west of the city)

  • History of Albanian people, Albanian Academy of Sciences, 2002
Albania between Byzantine and West (century XI - XIV)
6. Cities of Albania
Urban development and population
... Cities were usually under their jurisdiction an area extending more or less, including villages, land of bread, vineyards, olive groves, forests, pastures and saline, or fish... In 1343 about 17 villages around Kruja, including Zalli, St. Vlashi, Vilëza, Cerkez, Kallmetit were owned by residents of the city and territory as part of his ...
  • Observations Illyrian - Albanian, Ludwig von Thallóczy, Konstandin Jireèek, Milan von Ufflay, Theodor Ippen, E.C. Sedlmayr, Josef Ivaniè-it, Emmerich von ácson, Béla Pech, Karl Thopia. Translated by Mustafa Merlika, 2004
In Kruja, the birthplace of Scanderbeg, a good number of men and women were simply shot to death and many houses set on fire. The Serbian commander, Captain Petrovic, published an ukaz officially announcing the evil deeds…A decree was issued to the local authorities in the district of Kruja in western Albania, reading: "If anything occurs in the future or if but one Serbian soldier is killed in the town, in a village or in the vicinity, the town will be razed to the ground and all men over the age of fifteen will be bayoneted." The decree was signed: Kruja, 5 January 1913. Commanding officer: A. Petrovic, Captain, first class.
In a report published on 19 February 1913 by the Deutsches Volksblatt, we read: …An Albanian from the village of  Zalla, west of  Kruja, shot a Serb who had broken into his home and was assaulting his wife, and took to flight. When the Serbs subsequently arrived at the scene of the crime and could not find the culprit, and - such is the sad truth - they slaughtered all the inhabitants, over one hundred persons including women and children, and set the village on fire.
(ger) In einem Bericht des Deutschen Volksblatt vom 19. Februar 1913 heißt es:…Ein Albanese im Dorfe Zala nördlich von Kruja hatte einen Serben, der in seiner Hütte eingedrungen war und sich an seiner Frau vergriff, erschossen und floh. Als später die Serben an den Tatort kamen und den Täter nicht mehr vorfanden, wurden - es ist dies leider traurige Wahrheit - sämtliche Bewohner, über 100 Personen, einschließlich Weiber und Kinder, hingemordet und das Dorf angezündet."
  • Albania's Golgotha Indictments of the Exterminators of the Albanian People, Collected and Edited by: Leo Freundlich, Translated from German by: S. Sophie Juka
  • Zalla tribe story, by Adem Zalla
Three hundred meters west of cave Zalla, is the residence of the tribe with the surname Zalla. There they built their homes and have lived there generation after generation as remembered from when first started life in that country. Residence is located in a flat hill, roughly between the tribe owned lands in question. Setting Zalla tribe in this country has vital links with the cave called “Cave of  Zall-Makareshi”. Even surname Zalla gritty earth has taken from the river that springs from the rock.
Zall - i, ë, a, aj
Small stone and polished to be found in the river, sea or lake edge.
Dictionary of Albanian Language

Three hundred meters north of the residence, on top of olive groves, until in 1950 there were ruins, the walls of an old church. Church because of the sculptured stones of the wall near the foundation was sculptured cross. This shows that we are dealing with a very ancient settlement.